Friday, October 10, 2008

3-D Force Field: next level for porn

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed the Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display, a 3-D interactive force field that may make touching VR objects a reality.
"This tactile display enables tactile feedback superimposed over 3D graphics projected in free space, which provides more intuitive handling of 3D "touchable" graphics. For example, users could touch objects projected in the air."
"The Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display uses multiple ultrasound transducers to project waves into the air. Without gloves or attachments, and without risk of penetration in the body, the device takes advantage of a nonlinear ultrasound phenomena called acoustic radiation pressure. This allows for the creation of spatial shapes of acoustic ultrasound radiation pressure, which is what gives you the sensation of touching objects for real, even feeling the nature of the material."

via gizmodo.

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